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Energy Work Pracititioner
Access Bars is a gentle treatment using light touch on the head. Access is a set of tools and processes that are designed to facilitate more consciousness for everyone. Many modalities clear the limitations built around words; Access clears the energy underneath the words.
Access Bars helps us with our willingness and capacity to be totally aware, totally present in all areas of your life. Consciousness includes everything without judgement. As the beings we are we have tendencies to function from our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Access Consciousness is about unlocking you from the conditioning, polarity, and limitations of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
Polarity keeps us from seeing things as they are so that we can’t change what we would like to change. It keeps us functioning from trauma and drama. Some of us even get addicted to the polarity. Consciousness is the ability to receive everything and reject nothing and create everything you desire in life. Possibilities include healing but are not limited to: physical ailments, mental and emotional blockages, clarity.
BodyTalk addresses the whole-person and their whole-story, using the entire context of their life to improve their health. BodyTalk finds the story underneath your pain and discomfort. BodyTalk looks at everything as interconnected not just one specific symptom.
The BodyTalk techniques provide insights to the areas of your body that need attention. What might seem like an obvious problem to you is not necessarily the one your body wants to address first. This is the beauty of BodyTalk, it respects the body’s own needs and determines your body’s priorities for healing. Then the use of a variety of non-invasive techniques, BodyTalkers refocus your body’s natural healing response to establish better communication within the body.
BodyTalk helps synchronize the body’s natural healing functions to achieve and maintain healing and growth on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Our body’s response is to supply holistic, non-invasive ways to end physical, mental, and emotional pain, relieve stress and attain optimum health.
New Earth Angel Reiki is rooted in the understanding that everything we experience in life from the time of conception becomes stored within our central nervous system. We carry these stories within our cellular memory and over time the traumatic stories begin to manifest physically. This awareness allows us as practitioners to take our clients deeper. With the help of the Angels and Guides we are able to take our clients back to the root of the life experience they are carrying. This may look like healing the inner child, adolescent self, or a past life.
A deeper awakening occurs when we are able to guide our clients into their story in order to clear false beliefs with truth and light. This is done through the power of the Angelic Consciousness and Ascended Masters. By clearing these lower vibrations we create more space within our clients to stand authentically and radiate unconditional love. The more love we are able to carry within, the higher the vibration we are able to hold. When we come together form this place of love we hold within us the power to shift the vibration of the earth.
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